Site Info:-

Updates and History of the site:

To Do List:

- Update the user page/features.

- Create 'recent comments' page for visitors.

- Update layout/code of comment and blog outputs.

- Fix tag capability on Blog and News postings.

History/Change Log:

- 10.10.09 - Finally updated Gallery and image searching. Images and galleries can be searched, filtered and displayed according to tags, dates and gallrey info.

- 10.08.08 - Update blog layout slightly. Added "user" page - however not yet available for public consumption. Moved this page to the 'info' area, and linked to it from various pages.

- 04.08.08 - Update blog searching, tagging, comments and index page. Still not complete- but the structure is now there and fully functional.

- 03.08.08 - Added a few new links to the links page.

- 01.08.08 - Lots of admin things. Update Image Tags & title Page[s] - Recent User page, Recent Comments page.

- 27.07.08 - Enabled captcha (image verification) on conact form, and user registration page.

- 27.07.08 - Turned on tag linking from images, and allowed access to the gallery Tag mode.

- 26.07.08 - Started Implementing bad_bot checks. Looking through the logs, the site is already being targetted with dodgy input into any GET and POST fields.

- 24.07.08 - Re-wrote registration, login and logout page pages.

- 21.07.08 - Fixed a few comment bugs and quirks.

- 20.07.08 - Added commenting ability on pictures and blog posts.

- 13.07.08 - Wrote Gallery script for upload, catagorising and displaying pics.