Info & FAQ's:-

Questions you might (or might not) want the answers to:

Who are you?

Im Joel, if you hadnt worked that out yet - im worried. More information about me on the Joel page.

Why the site?

Ive always been a web person. My site forces me to keep my HTML & CSS skills moderately up to date. I can also publish information here for all the world to see, incredible no? Also, the site originally existed to publish photos that other people wanted to get copies of.

When did this fantastic site come to be?

I started my first (real) website around February 2004. It was hosted on my pentium 233 and on a home adsl connection. The original domain was It was all good, but relatively slow, and when using p2p/bandwidth, or other members of my family were using the internet connection, the 128k upload just wasnt enough.

It was about April 2004 when i got hold of and this fabulous site was born . Since around 2005 has also redirected here and been the primary domain. Around June 2008 a major revamp occured, overhauling the backend, content and every single page on the site.


Yes please. White, with one sugar depening on my mood. Preferably not instant, but if it must be - id prefer a coffee bag (incredibly easy, and surprisingly good).

Im using Internet Explorer 6, everything looks hodge-podge?

Support for CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) in IE6 is pretty bad. Its not as terrible as IE5, but its still a pain. This site is (almost all) Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict and should render properly with IE7+ and firefox 2+.

I found a broken link, what should i do?

Please tell me about it, ill check it out and get it sorted when I can.

Tell me more about your site history?

Certainly, please check the Site Information page for My current "to do" list and site update history.

I have another question, can you answer it for me?

Contact me and ill see what I can do. My answer will of course depend on the question. Have you tried googling it?